pp108 : Creating an Organization Model

Creating an Organization Model

This topic describes the procedure to create an organization model.

Before you begin this task: Create an organization unit type and an organization unit.

An Organization Model contains the definition of human and technical resources that are involved in the execution of a business process model as process participants. It provides user-friendly graphical representation of different entities, such as organization units and resources.

  1. Select a starting point and select (Organization Model) to create an organization model. The Untitled Organization Model - Organization Model appears in modeling environment. Note: You may start designing the organization model or save it first before designing.
  2. Click . The Save Document dialog appears. Refer to Save Document Interface for more information on the Save Document dialog.
  3. Enter a name for the organization model in the Name and a description in the Description fields and click to Save in Folder. The Select Folder page appears.
  4. Select a folder or project and click OK.
  5. Click Save in the Save Document dialog.
    An organization model is created and added to the project content tree.

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